This morning at 8:40am, Big Daddy hand-in-hand with Ry Ry and Mommy pushing Little Piddle in the stroller, walked to her first day at school. She was soooo excited! I held it together beautifully....until I had to hand her off to Cory in the schoolyard. Yes, I had a momentary boohoo filling my throat. Must...not...embarrass...the...child! lol We stood at the fence watching her run with the other kids for a few minutes.
Was I ready to let her go? Absolutely not!
Was Ry ready to be let go? Absolutely...and in true Rylee fashion...yells over at us "Mom go home!" Ahhh, it's good to be loved! lol

Gotta love Ry and her direct approach.
Congratulations on will ALL do great... :)
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