Sunday, June 29, 2008


They say that NECESSITY is the mother of all inventions...well, I'm about to tell you that pure laziness can now be added to the list! Here's how I know....

We finally got to swim in the BIG pool late this's been too cold, Big Daddy poked a hole in it, the kids have more fun in the $14.99 plastic know how it goes. Anyway, I didn't use a swim diaper for Little Piddle's inaugural paddle around. Note to self (don't do that again). When it was time to exit the pool, I dropped her diaper on the walkway. Later that night we had a torrential rainstorm! It was wild!!!

Next morning, I go out and spot this:

The now bloated and deformed size 3 Huggie. Of course I'm laughing at the sight and it hits me....instead of the Army Corps of Engineers filling sandbags for all those broken levees in the U.S., they simply need to contact Kimberly-Clark for a truckload of Huggies. Those super-suckers will keep the Mighty Mississippi at bay for long as there isn't any pee in the water!

Side note: When I checked the Huggies box to get the name of the manufacturer, I spotted a recommendation - avoid excessive heat over 104 degrees - ummmm okay!

1 comment:

PennyWolfe said...

LOL!! Them suckers sure do hold a lot of liquid!