Saturday, June 14, 2008


From the backseat of our car yesterday as we're driving into town:

Rylee: Giraffes live in Africa
Mom: Yup
Rylee: Elephants live in Africa
Mom: Yup
Rylee: A hippopotamus can't climb trees in Africa
Mom: Absolutely not
Rylee: Mouses can run in the trees in Africa
Mom: Sure
Rylee: Dinosaurs live in Africa
Mom: Sorry Ry, all the dinosaurs are dead
Rylee: Guess they didn't eat their vegetables!

We're in the garden one afternoon and she spots a huge toad
Rylee: Guess a tadpole jumped out of the pond and walked to the garden and turned into a toad frog

My all time favourite funny conversation was a week ago...
Mom: Okay Ry, time for your night time pee
Rylee: Noooooo
Mom: Come on, you know you have to pee before bed. Let's go!!
Rylee: Nope, I'll pee in July
Really, what can you say to that???


PennyWolfe said...

So far 4 is the funnest and funniest age of all!!!

Unknown said...

I hope you are keeping all of these...because they will make for a GREAT book one day....

I agree I love 4...out of the mouths of babes...