Tuesday, June 24, 2008


From all the posts I've done, you'd have to agree that Little Piddle is a crack-up! She's always happy, loves a little mischief and is always game for a giggle-fest! Well, wouldn't yah know it, all the Guangxi Gals got together on Saturday and Little Piddle spent 95% of her time hooked to our hip. Unbelievable!! It took several tries to get a picture of all the gals together...uh yeah, mine kept crying and running for her Mom! Too funny!

Thanks Kath and Murray for such a great time!

TAKE ONE: Get out of the way Jayden...I need my Mom

TAKE TWO: Gotta go!

TAKE THREE: Mommmmmmmmy!!

TAKE FOUR: Don't you guys know we should be running?!

TAKE FIVE: Olivia distracted her just long enough with a piece of fruit.


PennyWolfe said...

I really did laugh outloud at this post!!

geminirn said...

TOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!That certainly is a whole lot of cuteness happening in those photos.Wow!those girls sure resemble one another......beautiful.