Friday, August 1, 2008


An unthinkable act was performed on a Greyhound bus traveling across our country yesterday. We haven't been given many details other than the gruesome ones that don't need to be spoken about out loud again. Eyewitnesses do report that during the attack, everyone ran from the bus.

EVERYONE...RAN...FROM...THE...BUS? Let that sink in for a moment....

What have we be able to run and just leave that poor young man in the hands of that whackjob?! What if that had been YOUR son? I don't know who was on that trip, but I know for sure who wasn't on board.
No military guys
No hockey team members (male or female)
And certainly no good ole boys/rednecks/farm boys/my husband/real men
How do I know? Because that young man would have survived and the whackjob would have been handed his first class ticket straight to hell.

It's a sad day indeed!


Diana said...

My thoughts exactly...

PennyWolfe said...
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PennyWolfe said...

Yeah. Kind of makes you wonder what went on in there. As a parent I can't even imagine how his parents feel today. Sad day indeed.