Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Rylee was having herself a little melt-down last week...
Rylee: (unintelligible screeching rant)
Mommy: Calm down! Calm down!
Rylee: I can't calm up!

We were sitting around the supper table when Rylee starts with the negotiations...
Rylee: Eat 2 more suppers.
Mommy: NO, you can eat 5 more spoonfuls then you can have dessert.
Rylee: Eat 4 more suppers.
Mommy: Okay, 4 more.
After she finishes, she then remembers that we were supposed to have peach pie for dessert.
Rylee: See the peach pie.
Mommy: Sorry Ry, I didn't get time to make the peach pie.
She sits back, looking rather perturbed, then...
Rylee: Guess I'll have to have ice cream then!

Lao Lao was here yesterday....
Lao Lao: Ry do you think we should put Jayme in the stroller and take Belle for a walk?
Rylee: Yup, and Mommy can hide in the bushes.

I sent Rylee upstairs to get some warmer clothes on. I specifically asked for jeans and a sweater. Ten minutes later, she waltzes down the stairs in this get-up.

Mommy: Oh my goodness!!
Rylee: I know, I'm so beautiful.
Yes, she has on a long sleeved orange shirt, blue leotards, frilly blue shorts and a pink/white summer dress that is on backwards. That's my girl!!

1 comment:

PennyWolfe said...

Rylee, I love your style. There is something about those Kunming girls. They definitely are independant and do their own thing!!

I don't know about you, but I don't remember being quite so smart at 4½. How are we going to survive when they are 9 or 16?!?