Monday, April 28, 2008


I am giddy with a capital G!! Little Piddle hasn't demanded a milk run through the night for 3 whole nights in a row!!! Woohoo!! However, everyone was up at 5:30 to see Daddy off to work this morning. Look at them flocking around Big Daddy...or are they just after his cereal?! Even the cat is in on the cereal raid! lol Guess he didn't get to check his hockey stats this morning!

1 comment:

PennyWolfe said...

Congrats!! For the first time since September 12th I slept through the night. The even better news is so did LISA!!! I woke up at 5:30, rolled over looked at the clock, rolled over and looked at David figuring I was going to be in TROUBLE for sleeping through the feeding on a work night "What time did you feed her?" I mumble. He replied "I didn't feed her." WAHOO!! Hopefully we can turn one night into three!!! I know it won't happen. I know it will be another 7 months. But I am enjoying this day while it lasts!!!!!!!!!!!