Monday, December 8, 2008


We took a little drive over a very winding road last week and of course Little Piddle is nauseous. She's so much like me!! Anyway, after trying lots of remedies - opening the window, holding my hand, not looking out the window - J settles down...and then we hear from the other back seat: "Mom, I'm car-healthy."

Since Rylee has been attending Kindergarten, I've eased up with the lessons at home. She points up at the planets on the ceiling in the playroom yesterday while playing playdough trying to recreate them.
Me: "What's the name of the red one?"
Rylee: "Marvin"
I think we'll get back to homeschooling again!

She tells me that some kids at school cry. A lot!
Me: "Why do the kids cry?"
Rylee: silence...just thinking this one through
Me: "Do you think they miss their Moms?"
Rylee: "Yeah, they probably miss their Moms."
Me: "Do you miss me sometimes?"
Rylee: "NO WAY!"
Oh it's good to be loved! lol


PennyWolfe said...

She cracks me up!!

Poor Jaymee. We've had some episodes with Lucy being carsick. David always likes to point out it is only when I'm driving though.......

Unknown said...

That kid cracks me up!!!

You need to write a book....