Monday, July 7, 2008


If you are ever invited to join Penny and Dave for Sunday Supper...don't pass up the offer. It truly was a culinary conquest! Uncle Todd slowly stirred a pot of risotto that melted in our mouths. Dave grilled shrimp and steaks on the bbq to a tee. It had to have been the best meal I've ever had. The boys made a huge mess then Penny the Queen of Clean entered the scene! lol

After supper we took the littles outside to burn up even more energy. Then came the home movies. It's been awhile since I've looked at Ry's adoption video/album and I gotta tell yah, I got pretty choked up watching theirs - afterall we're in it too!

Thank you Dave, Penny, Lucy and Lisa for all the memories you've helped to create for our family!!!!

The Kunming Kuties galloping out the giggles before bedtime:

1 comment:

PennyWolfe said...

Ah. Get me a tissue. I'm all teary-eyed again. We loved having you guys here. It was very special for us too. I love the pics of Ry and Lucy. Best friends.