Tuesday, January 15, 2008

They Make Me Laugh....

Rylee was playing with the "floam" one day last week during Jayme's nap. It's a big-girl activity that she gets to do only when J is napping because the stuff is dangerous to the under 3 crowd. For those of you who haven't encountered this space-age stuff, let me explain what it is. It's a sticky, teeny styrofoam balls, substance that kids can shape. It's rather ingenius and I'm 100% certain, perfectly harmless to children and the environment....uh, maybe not! But it is fun! Anyway, she's playing away at her craft table when she says to me..."Have to put the floam away....baby Jayme is awake...she will put it in her mouth". Then she says "Hannah's (her friend) baby sister will put it in her mouth too." I said "Hannah doesn't have a sister". 20 seconds go by and then Rylee comes out with, "Her baby sister must still be in China". lol That's my girl! All babies come from China via the airport! I love it!

We were out for our morning stroll yesterday when we came to the Township Shed. It was heavily....uh....decorated with graffiti. Rylee says to me "Someone is learning the ABC's". Waaay too funny!

A couple of weeks ago, I was prepping for supper while the girls played in the next room. I waltzed into their playroom to check on them and there were 3 baskets of toys up-ended and strewn from one end of the room to the other. I must have had the "Mommy glare" going because Rylee takes one look at my face, points to her sister and says "Jayme did it!" And so it begins....

Then there's Jayme doing her world famous spoon trick....

Like I said....they make me laugh!!!


PennyWolfe said...

Around here I get "It was Lisa's idea" when anything happens that gets the Mommy glare. I'm always amazed at how Lisa can express her wishes to Lucy without being able to talk!!!!!

geminirn said...


Your little one is precious!

Unknown said...

Around here, the dog does almost everything...

"tattle telling" in this house is an Olympic sport, but when the "look" comes out...its always RUFUS...I should put that dog in some shows...LOL..

You will have to record it for later on for them--tooo cute...