Monday, January 28, 2008

Funny Girl

At the Friday Play Group, I overheard this conversation between Rylee and her worker, Sandra while they were doing a role playing game.

Sandra: Oh Rylee the baby is crying, what do we do?
Rylee: She's hungry.
Sandra: What should we feed her? (no response) Should we get her a bottle?
Rylee: No, she wants a hotdog.
Oh great, now they think I feed the baby hotdogs!! And I hope Rylee doesn't say anything about the highchair, because it will come out like this: Jayme gets tied up! Next thing I know, the CAS will be at the door because it sounds like we tie up the baby and force-feed her hotdogs!! lol

After Play Group, Rylee was sitting at the kitchen counter eating her yogourt. I look over and here she has put her spoon down and is attempting to eat the yogourt with just her mouth. The conversation goes something like this:
Me: (after I give her the Mommy-stare) Use your spoon please!
Ry: (no response)
Me: Rylee, use your spoon please!!!
Ry: (looks up at me so innocently) Bears don't use spoons!
Me: (thinking to myself) Well, yah got me there!
Then she proceeds to tell me and show me how a bear eats - licking at the counter top.
Ry: This is how a turtle eats (shows me)
Ry: This is how a fox eats (shows me)
Ry: This is how a beaver eats (shows me)
Then she just picks up her spoon and continues on like nothing out of the ordinary has taken place.
You gotta love it!!!

Our bed-time routine goes something like this:
Rylee says night night to Daddy and Jayme. Hugs and kisses are exchanged then they leave the room. I tuck her in, we try all the toys on her bed and then it's rule time.
Me: Have a good sleep, and what are the rules.
Ry: Don't wander around
Me: Yup, and....
Ry: Stay in your bed.
Me: Yup, and....
Ry: Don't jump off your dresser
Me: (thinking holy cow, you jump off your dresser while I'm not in here?) Well, that sounds like a good rule!
Now when we do the night time rules, we start with the dresser one first. Hooboy!

So last night, she gets tucked in as usual and then I went to check on her when I was getting ready for sleep. I peek in (it's really quiet in there) and here she is fully clothed...I mean she had on leotards, 2 pairs of long underwear, a turtleneck, a t-shirt, 2 long-sleeved shirts and a dress. All the sheets are off her bed and she's just staring out the window. Then, she spots me and lets out a blood-curdling scream while she's flinging her clothes off! I'm trying not to laugh while I give her the low-down about not obeying the rules!!
Guess we'll have to be more specific tonight and add: no getting dressed!!

She is a funny girl!!!!


PennyWolfe said...

LOL!!! You better sit down and come up with some ideas to be proactive because apparently she is good at finding loop holes!!!!!

Unknown said...

Dont you just love when they have an answer for everything....LOL

Way too cute...

Shannon said...

that's priceless!