Thursday, January 29, 2009


Big Daddy taught Rylee how to use the drawing toolbar in Excel about a month's a sampling of what she does with it:

She can use the free rotate, group/ungroup, draw freehand, 3D, etc. And she's fast as lightning!
At 5, I could draw a tree and a house. Actually that's as far as my artistic ability developed! lol

Rylee is a real mystery...just when I think that she's not even going to grasp a certain concept, she masters it! For example: a couple of days ago we were horsing around while counting. I'd start out using a funny voice and she'd follow along...well next thing I know we counted all the way to 100. She blows me away!

The other night after bathtime, we were standing in the mirror as usual - her directing what kind of hairdo she wanted - when I asked her what D-A-D spells. She looks up at the ceiling...I could see her drawing the letters in her mind...then she says "Dad." We went through a little list of words and she was getting them. I was so proud of her!

For the past couple of years Rylee didn't want me to read to her...I mean not at all. Books are a big thing in our house and she loved books until she turned 3. Anyway, now there's a fire in her to read all by herself. It's fantastic! She can read simple books now and there's no doubt that she'll master this too!
I have a feeling that she actually does grasp all the concepts but chooses not to show us what she can do. It's not important to her at the time. And I'm finally realizing that everything is on Rylee-time! lol

Jayme's speech is really coming along. She makes me laugh everyday! Her favourite sayings are:

Hold yer baby - when she wants me to pick her up.

Mommy talk a me - usually while we're in the car and she's in the backseat by herself.

Tadah - usually when she kicks her diaper off and runs naked! Now who taught her that?

She started counting this past month. 1,2,4,7,10,22,23 Yeah, we need to work on that.

I know, you're here for the pictures of the kids...I'll stop yapping! lol


PennyWolfe said...

Ry never ceases to amaze me. She will be a force to be reckoned with for sure. It is so great that you have many outlets for her creative talents!!

TEAM HALL said...

Thanks Penny! I know, she's something, eh?

Unknown said...

I am loving Rylee as a blonde....

If Rylee keeps up the artwork, I can start selling it off of Robs website....

for a small fee of

You have some great kids there...

TEAM HALL said...

Hey Janice:
Funny thing is, she wanted to wear that wig after I got my highlights! hehhe