Wednesday, January 14, 2009


When I have my 2 cups of coffee in the morning, I add one of these:

Just a teaspoon I big deal. When I actually measured what is on that sugar spoon, it's more like 1 1/2 - 2 tsp.

Do you know how much that adds up to at the end of one year?

That's right...over 20 pounds of sugar. I almost fainted! It's not the extra calories that I'm worried about...although shaving 7.7 pounds of body fat off my frame would excite me and I'm sure Big Daddy as's just that it's SUGAR. That can't be good for a body! Now if I could just kick my chocolate addiction....hmmmm!


The Scavenger said...

Now I know why you are always sooo Sweeeet.


PennyWolfe said...

I'll "allow" you to give up sugar so long as you promise me you don't drink diet soda! Aspartame! Far worse than sugar. Now lets see, I have two coffee's every morning (my special 1/5 caffeine 4/5 decaf blend) and I put two good size spoons of sugar in there...then Tom usually brings me a double double at least once a day...good think my math skills are awful or I'd be REALLY depressed right now!

TEAM HALL said...

Hey Chris: I think all that sugar did make me sweet, because since I've been sugarless, I've been a tad snarky! lol

Hey there P: No aspartame for this chick! I get all loopy when I ingest that stuff. Okay, loopier is probably a better description. lol And NO, don't do the math on your would scare you!

Mama to 12, so far said...

Sugar....that is what keeps me going, not the caffiene! LOL! I wonder how much I am consuming in my one cup of coffee a day. I put two "teaspoons" in!!!


Your girls are baby dolls!!!! No, really, I mean it! They are adorable! I love, "hold yer baby!" That is so cute. Rache says, "hold you mommy!"

TEAM HALL said...

Hey Mama Ant: Nice of you to stop by. Thanks for that...I think they're pretty cute too!!