Monday, March 10, 2008


Where did February go?? lol

It's about time to post Penny gets a little nauseous when she sees Jayme's noodle extravaganza picture! Also, Penny's friends Diane and Joe are in Nanning (of all places) receiving their baby girl. Diane posted some pix of her hotel room with the crib in it...yeah, I lost it! Couldn't stop crying! I'm such a wuss! She also posted a picture of the girls' Orphanage Director and some interior shots of the Civil Affairs Office. It just brings back all the memories of receiving Jayme just 3 months ago! So what did I do to stop the crying? Well, I read the letter that I wrote to my sweet Jayme that first week in Nanning! Brilliant! Now my eyes will be puffy for the rest of the day.

I'll share that letter in my next post, but remember:

I was in Nanning without Lyle and homesick like you wouldn't believe! My sister Bev went on one of the tours while I stayed at the hotel with Little Piddle. She was sound asleep on the bed while I watched her...breathe...and I needed to tell Jayme about "those days". I just didn't want to forget that moment in time.

So what else is new? Well, we got walloped with a snow storm on the weekend. Here's Belle after being outside for a 5 second pee.

1 comment:

PennyWolfe said...

Time to move to the Merry Maritimes. I have grass out front. :)