Tuesday, May 26, 2009


It's official - J is diaper-free!! Woohoo!! And to celebrate, she got some very sporty and very tiny Dora panties. She is soooo proud of those panties....she had to show 'em off. When Big Daddy got home, she ran full tilt to him, bent over and grabbed up the front of her little dress, with one hand, pulled it right over her head and yelled "yook Daddy, Doro pannies!!!" Last night we went to bed very late because she kept getting up and taking me to the potty - she was so worried about having an accident in her prized possession! Finally, I just put a diaper on her so she could relax and go to sleep...or she could relax and I COULD GO TO SLEEP! lol

So here's to Baby J....not so baby anymore! sigh


PennyWolfe said...

Does she ever look like Ry in that first picture! LOVE the smile!!!!!

TEAM HALL said...

She's saying "cheeeeeeese" and signing it too! What a kid!

Unknown said...

Congratulations to you and J on the potty training...

have to admit, miss the baby years, not the potty training days... :)

She sure is a cutie..

Mama to 12, so far said...

Potty training.....ugggh...the bain of my existence right now. Rachey is doing just that. I'm going to bring her over here and show her your baby who has big girl "pannies" maybe that will be an incentive to do so likewise! LOL!

She is so cute and congrats on getting off the potty train!

TEAM HALL said...

Thanks Janice!! I'm soooo missing all the baby stuff! But I guess that "season" has now passed!

TEAM HALL said...

Hey Mama Ant! So you mean #9 isn't any easier?! lol Come on Rachey, you can do it!!!
Thanks for stopping by!