Sunday, February 22, 2009


I'm not going to name names....but someone in this house snores like a truck driver! And Big Daddy snores even louder! lol In an attempt to remain happily married, Big Daddy purchased some of those "breathe right" strips...for himself. I must say, it's an improvement. Well, on the first night of the experiment, Rylee just needed to wear one like her Dad. The next morning, I hear this howling from the bathroom as Rylee was trying to remove the strip from her face. During the night it had attached itself to the bags of her eyes and man she was having a terrible time. I didn't know what to for the camera because this was "one" of those moments or be "mom of the year" and help my child remove this oddity from her eyes.

So after I delicately removed the strip from her face, I gave her one of those "stern mom" talks. You know the kind..."don't ever do that again and yadda, yadda, yadda". Enough said!

A few nights later while we were hanging out in the playroom, Rylee was extra busy with her craft stuff. This is what she made out of paper and scotch tape:

She cracks me up!!


PennyWolfe said...

She is too funny!

Love those strips too! They do work!!

kymber said...

She cracks me up too!
but man she is creative...

The Scavenger said...

Too funny. I love it.


TEAM HALL said...

Thanks everyone for stopping by and commenting!!

Unknown said...

that is too cute....

that kid is going to make you millions one day inventing something... :)